My white "Knock Out" rose bush has died. I don’t know what was put in its barrel but I could not reverse it. It was in that barrel for two years without a problem. It was an easy plant to care for, and looked so beautiful and healthy earlier this year. The same is true of my Chicago fig trees and the Elephant Ear plants. They were targeted. All of them have either mysteriously died of some unknown substance or are struggling to live. I wish people would stay out of our yard. There are “no trespassing” signs and security cameras everywhere. However, I haven’t been able to catch the criminal attacking my plants because another criminal associated with them is turning off my network at night and has not been caught either. Worse my internet provider is not doing anything to find that criminal among them. I have reported these internet interruptions repeatedly.
I also found cat poop floating on the top of the screen covering the kitchen containers that I use to reclaim water. I was so disgusted with the criminal that place it there that I forgot to take a picture; however, I dumped the water, cleaned the containers with soapy bleach and through the two draw sting screen netting in the washer. What a nasty minded criminal and to think he/she is one of our neighbors, who really should make an appointment with a shrink for his/herself.
He/she is probably responsible for the number homeless people wanting to start up conversations with me on the street and the buses. They have been reported. One woman was a real nut job or a good actress because of her tales of woes were so bad. I finally told her “enough was enough”, and I really hope she understood that I never want see her or her like again. Should she or any others homeless people attempt to strike conversation with me, I will call the police then and there.
As for all the security cameras, don't be fooled. We are on the side of the law after all, and the cameras are not there because we fear anyone, but no thanks to the narcissists and their erk, we are trying to catch thieves and other criminals trespassing and destroying our properties.
Nevertheless, I was up at 3 A.M. doing laundry and leaf feeding all the garden plants with their specialized Miracle Gro. The same stuff I buy and use every year