04/30/2024 – After soaking the indoor flowering plants with Miracle Gro for flowers in the sink, I gave the smaller flowering plants in the backyard and Mary garden the leftover solution. The larger ones got a fresh batch of the solution.
I also sprayed the all the flowering plants, the lemon tree and vegetable with ‘Bonide Rose Rx Multi-Purpose Fungicide, Insecticide and Miticide’.
04/28/2024 – We finished it! My husband, Stan and I got out into the Mary Garden and cleared out all those dead leaves and branches. I will let the videos and pictures tell the story. In addition, to avoid having the large number of leaves and branches to clear away next year, we will do a weekly clean up. Generally when we do the weekly maintenance, there is not much more to do the next year, however, the pandemic played a lot in what we were willing to do the past two years. Feeding, watering and debugging the gardens were enough to keep the plants alive until the crisis was under control.
Moonflowers Sprouting
Everything looks much better now that that debris is gone.