
If you stumbled among this site, "Evelyn’s Twigs, Thyme and Stranger Things Garden" is a collection of journal entries that I have kept on my computer for years, and have now decided to post. The journal contains my successes and failures with my favorite selections of plants. I'm talking about more than 50 years of caring for and living with green things. Not everything is here. More of it is learned and store in my head. However, here I will share facts about each plants, my research, as well as my personal and gathered tips on their care. I was not planning to post my houseplant and backyard journals online, so editing them for errors was not a priority to me. This being the case, perhaps, one day I will correct all the spelling and grammar errors in both of them. We would not want people to think I did not know better, when I was only being lazy. Again, no apologizes. It is what it is for now.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Evelyn’s Twigs, Thyme and Stranger Things Garden journal Entry 01/26/2025

 Today, January 26, 2025, I seeded some more ‘Tiny Tim’ tomatoes, so that we would have more this coming spring. The four older plants are still doing well, and although, they took four months to mature and are still putting out more tomatoes, they will not last forever. They look a little ragged, because I trimmed back the heavy leaf growth. We have been eating them with in casseroles and salads.  The Parris Island Romaine lettuce is tasty like regular romaine. 

Last night, I added four regular strawberry plants to one of the other systems. The expert say it is better to buy them, and then put them in the hydroponic system after removing the soil. They looked a little limped after I did this, but today they have perked up. I also have some hybrid cucumber seeds that I will try. They are the small variety used in most countertop hydroponic systems.

Keep in mind, I clean these hydroponic systems once a month, but filter the water in them more frequently, as the water and the liquid nutrients are the plants only source of food, which gets used up quickly depending on the plants needs. Therefore, and remember this, I know if there are problems.

Finally, if you have been following this journal, you know I rooted my ‘Angel Begonia’ in one of the hydroponic systems, because it had become too leggy. The photo below shows how well it is doing now. I also intend to germinate some flowers for spring as well.