
If you stumbled among this site, "Evelyn’s Twigs, Thyme and Stranger Things Garden" is a collection of journal entries that I have kept on my computer for years, and have now decided to post. The journal contains my successes and failures with my favorite selections of plants. I'm talking about more than 50 years of caring for and living with green things. Not everything is here. More of it is learned and store in my head. However, here I will share facts about each plants, my research, as well as my personal and gathered tips on their care. I was not planning to post my houseplant and backyard journals online, so editing them for errors was not a priority to me. This being the case, perhaps, one day I will correct all the spelling and grammar errors in both of them. We would not want people to think I did not know better, when I was only being lazy. Again, no apologizes. It is what it is for now.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Evelyn’s Twigs, Thyme and Stranger Things Garden Journal Entry 02/09/2025

 My adventures in indoor hydroponic gardening are progressing well, regardless of the power surges that occurred, Friday. Nevertheless, below are photos of the latest progress of the newest veggies and fruits I am growing.

They are as follows:

  • Alpine Red and regular size strawberries - of the four regular size strawberries that I transplanted from soil to a hydroponic system, only one survived and it seems like it will grow to maturity and fruit. The same is true of the remaining two mini Alpine Red strawberries; although one plant is smaller than it sister

  • The Tangerine Dream Sweet Pepper plants are looking good, and although not all are seen here, they have several peppers on them. They will be mature and be ready for harvest when they turn bright orange.

  • The two patio baby eggplants have flowered, a lot, and now have little eggplants on them that are about 2/3 the size of chicken eggs. They are also a beautiful glossy purple.

  • In addition, I heard that tomato plants, especially the mini ones were easy to propagate from stem cuttings, so I tried it and the results are amazing.

  • The older tomatoes are still producing little Tiny Tim tomatoes and the new seedlings have gained their true leaves. This may appear to be a lot of tomato plants. However, in our house, they go quickly as snacks, cold plate meals of crackers, cold cuts, sliced ham, cheese and fruit (Chardonnay, anyone?),  casseroles, stews and in salads. There are also three pods of Swiss Chard seeds, which I may or may not transplants to soil in the spring.

I have also planted some baby cucumbers, wonder bell peppers and mini watermelons. The cucumber seeds were planted earlier and have already sprouted, while the bell pepper and watermelon should sprout within a few days.

These are climbing plants, so the hydroponic systems I am using are designed with attachable trellises that reach 28 inches in height.

It will be interesting to see how well these plants do.

Finally, like the lettuce, I am using one hydroponic system just for herbs. Some of the little sprouts are beginning  to show now. 

They are:

  • Thyme
  • Chive
  • Dill
  • Mint
  • Rosemary
  • Oregano 
  • Sage,
  • and of course some catnip for Sam.

Well, this is all for now. When there is more progress, I will add another post.

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