
If you stumbled among this site, "Evelyn’s Twigs, Thyme and Stranger Things Garden" is a collection of journal entries that I have kept on my computer for years, and have now decided to post. The journal contains my successes and failures with my favorite selections of plants. I'm talking about more than 50 years of caring for and living with green things. Not everything is here. More of it is learned and store in my head. However, here I will share facts about each plants, my research, as well as my personal and gathered tips on their care. I was not planning to post my houseplant and backyard journals online, so editing them for errors was not a priority to me. This being the case, perhaps, one day I will correct all the spelling and grammar errors in both of them. We would not want people to think I did not know better, when I was only being lazy. Again, no apologizes. It is what it is for now.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

How My Garden Grows, or Not, Sic: Journal Entry: 06/27/2024

 06/27/2024 - I picked a couple of Japanese Eggplants to air fry with some butternut squash today. I also repotted the four new pots Japanese Eggplants in a new pot. 


I then repotted the new three knock out roses I recently bought. Two them are replacements for the roses that were killed by a malicious person, and third one is being use to balance out the arrangement. The arrangement is one white rose bush between two rose bushes. The roses are smaller and cost less, than the larger white one. The moonflowers, white will bloom this fall,  are also there too. The remaining red rose bush from the first arrangement was relocated.


The fig trees and elephant plant have recovered from the attack. There has rain almost everyday, so I have been watering much less. my tomato plants have grown but flowering has failed, which is strange given the fact that the tabasco peppers are doing well, perhaps, I should move them to another location.