05/01/2024 – Yesterday, I watered and fed all the small and medium houseplants and refilled the water bottles of the larger plants. The Schefflera tree is doing well. It appears to have adapted to life under plant light and no direct sun light. As with the Ficus tree the Schefflera tree leaves are healthy and glossy. I found the tree wrap and with wrap the stems of later this week. I also took down the hanging plants that were on the front porch, because they were not doing well after I put up the curtain. I will use them as planters for other plants. Finally, I sprayed all the plants most susceptible to pests and plant aliments with the ‘Bonide Rose Rx Multi-Purpose Fungicide, Insecticide and Miticide’ because the product is good for outdoor and indoor plants. I thought it was a good idea since I tend to bring in plants from the garden from time to time.
Thinking bring in plants, the kangaroo fern does not like being indoors, or it does not where I placed when I do bring it inside. In any case, I take it back outside later today. I have also added a water bottle to it. Besides the problems with the hanging plants and the kangaroo fern, all is well with the rest of the houseplants.
05/01/2024 – put the kangaroo fern back in the garden and brought in the parlor palm this afternoon