
If you stumbled among this site, "Evelyn’s Twigs, Thyme and Stranger Things Garden" is a collection of journal entries that I have kept on my computer for years, and have now decided to post. The journal contains my successes and failures with my favorite selections of plants. I'm talking about more than 50 years of caring for and living with green things. Not everything is here. More of it is learned and store in my head. However, here I will share facts about each plants, my research, as well as my personal and gathered tips on their care. I was not planning to post my houseplant and backyard journals online, so editing them for errors was not a priority to me. This being the case, perhaps, one day I will correct all the spelling and grammar errors in both of them. We would not want people to think I did not know better, when I was only being lazy. Again, no apologizes. It is what it is for now.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

How My Garden Grows, or Not, Sic: Journal Entry: 05/10/2024

Today the beneficial wasps and butterflies are back. They will help pollinate the flowering plants. However, I will probably have to continue my war on grasshoppers.

05/10/2024 – I got up at six a.m. and trimmed the roses of exhausted blooms, and then leaf fed them and all other plants as well with Miracle Gro. The roses that were affected the most with the over dose of insecticides are now recovering and growing new stems and buds. 

The moonflowers are beginning twine around he tall planters; however, the center one will need more support. The tomatoes plants as well as the other vegetables, fruits and herbs are growing well too.